“EUROPEAN PAPA” is a second-hand record store located in the Azuma Street Shopping District at the north exit of Koenji Station.

Opened in 1994, the store covers all genres, including rock, pop, and Japanese pop music, with a collection of 10,000 CDs, 6,000 LPs, and 3,000 EPs.

Thanks to the recent boom in record sales, the store is a magnet for music lovers, and is often visited by international customers. One can easily spend hours in this fascinating shop.

Recommended Point

The owner, a musician, welcomes inquiries about specific items, as they have additional inventory not displayed in the store.
They also sell second-hand musical instruments, effects units, magazines, and other music-related items and occasionally host flea markets, making it a treasure trove for discoveries.

Store Information

AddressEUROPEAN PAPA, 2-35-14, Koenji-kita, Suginami-City, Tokyo
Phone number03-3223-5345
Open hour2:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. / 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. on Sundays and Holidays
Regular holidayWednesdays
